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Dragonflies - The Broad-bodied Chaser

First seen on Friday 1st July 2016 at Croome

These dragonflies are usually the first ones to emerge each year. They are around in May to July. They are similar to the Black-tailed Skimmer, but this chaser lacks the black tail and has yellow patches on its side. As the name suggests, it also has a broader body (tail)

This male below was photographed on the grass bank below the bridge at the south end of the lake. This is a favourite spot for dragonflies, they each have a small stretch of the river for their territory, and are usually patrolling up and down, with little fights where they meet. Although in 2017 it was not such a good spot, as the reeds had yet to grow back since being tidied up in the spring.


The female below was seen in the woods at the south of the estate just after emerging. At first glance, when in flight she looks like a hornet - the bright yellow is very striking. In the photo below that, the female is egg laying in the river.