First seen on Sunday 9th July 2017 at CroomeThis dragonfly although common, has proved elusive for me. Firstly, there are not so many Brown Hawkers at Croome as some of the other dragonflies - just a hand full, compared to many dozens of other species. Secondly, you very rarely see them land - they are constantly flying around, usually in a circuit, patrolling a small area. Even though they are only usually seen in flight, they are readily identified by their brown colour, and more distinctively, their amber coloured wings.
Below, a female Brown Hawker is laying her eggs in the pond at the south end of Croome River.

Male and female have similar markings - the one below is probably a male, as it has blue markings on its side and it was aggressively defending its patch from other dragonflies. The southern end of the river is a good place to spot these, although I have seen them by the Island Pavilion, and even near the Rotunda.

Below - I finally found one perched and posing for a photo. As usual though, they like a cluttered and rather messy background, making them very difficult to spot! This is a female, the colours being predominantly yellow.