First seen on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at CroomeCoal tits are nearly always present on the bird feeders, but not as common as the other tits. You can also see them in trees all over the estate. Easily identified from their black, white and buff colours, white stripe at the back of the head, and white spots on the wings. They often feed in the trees in a similar fashion to goldcrests, hanging from the branches at all angles.

In the photograph below, you can clearly see the white strip on the back of the Coal Tit's head, which distinguishes it from the all black napes of the Marsh Tit and Willow Tit, neither of which I've seen at Croome. The Marsh Tit is quite possible, but the Willow Tit is a much less common bird.

Coal Tits are very small birds - look how much bigger the Great Tit is in the background, in the photograph below.