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Crickets - The Dark Bush Cricket

First seen on Thursday 18th May 2017 at Croome

This cricket is larger than a grasshopper, around 1-2cm long not including those huge antennae - in fact the easiest way to tell the difference between crickets and grasshoppers is that crickets have incredibly long thin antennae. As the name suggests, these are found in bushes and hedgerows. This one was found along the woodland path to the south of the estate, but I've also seen them near brambles in the meadows.


The little fellow below is a baby Dark Bush Cricket, or 'nymph'. Nymphs are very small, but not too dissimilar to the adults.


In this final photo, which was taken late in the year (September) You can see this one looks old, and has turned very dark, almost black. It was quite big (several centimetres) so much easier to see than a grasshopper.