There are three snakes in the UK - the Viper, Smooth Snake and Grass Snake. The Grass Snake is the most common out the UK's snakes. There are actually two type of grass snake - common and barred. They are usually found in wetland habitats and often seen swimming. It is our largest snake (up to three feet long), and recognised by its dark green colour with black and yellow collar. Females are bigger than the males. This one was about 18-24 inches long.
Although they are not uncommon at Croome, you'll be very lucky to see one - this is my first, in 4 years of looking. It was basking in the sun on an old tree truck, very close to the water. It eventually slid off into the undergrowth - I was too busy just looking at it and didn't take enough photos!

However, I did find it in the same spot a few days later and again once more, so this was obviously a favourite spot. You can see in some of the photos its eyes are getting more blue and clouded. This is usually a sign that it is getting ready to shed its skin. In the photo below you can see its tongue.