First seen on Tuesday 30th April 2019 at CroomeThe Little Grebe is a small diving duck, which is surprisingly rare at Croome. My initial sighting was very distant, but my first in over three years, A subsequent visit gave better views, but the Little Grebe not only spends a lot of time in the reeds, but seems to spend a long time underwater and when it surfaces it's in a completely different place!
It is less than a foot long, and these photos were taken from around 80 yards. You can tell it's a little grebe by the chestnut neck and the characteristic bright patch on the base of its bill.

When I returned a week or so later, it was obvious why it was spending a lot of time in the reeds - there was a nest there, and there were two adults and three chicks. You can just make out one of the chicks to the right of the adult. They were spending a lot of time in the reeds, but may get more adventurous as they get older.

In the photo below, you can just about make out all three chicks (and an adult). They are quite stripy and have bright beaks. Of course there may have been more, deeper in the reeds, they can have anything up to 8 chicks. They also carry chicks on their backs.