First seen on Monday 19th June 2017 at CroomeOne of my favourite butterflies, the marbled white can be seen in June, July and August, in the meadows in front of the church, as well as the meadows by the Park Seat, where most of these photographs were taken. The male and female are very similar. The male is pure black and white as in the two below.

The females have more yellow shading on the under-wing and yellow leading edges of the wings, which can be seen in the two photos below.
Marbled White butterflies can be seen surprisingly close to the paths, sometimes a group can be seen fluttering over the grass, creating a shimmering effect. The under-wing is just as attractive as the upper-wing, and the marbled white rests with its wings both open and closed - unlike some butterflies for example the Brimstone, which never open their wings when at rest.