First seen on Monday 18th November 2019 at Holy IslandLocally, Eider Ducks are known as Cuddy Ducks, named after St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne. When they are not feeding at sea, they roost on rocks and seaweed. The males (below) are a spectacular black snd white colour with highlights of pale green. They have a lovely call in the mating season - "ah-ooh" not unlike something Frankie Howard used to say.

From a distance you could mistake female Eider Ducks for female Mallards. However, when you get a close look, you can see the long wedge shaped beak that characterises an Eider Duck.

Sometimes you may see an oddly coloured Eider like the one below. This is a juvenile male, but adult males also look a bit dark and blotchy in the autumn, between moults.