The Yellowhammer is a member of the bunting family (a 'yellow bunting'). They usually live on farmland and heaths and feed on seeds and insects. They spread out a bit in the winter, which is probably why this one was visiting the main part of Croome. The males have an unmistakable bright yellow colour. This fellow wasn't singing, but just calling, with a single, repeating metallic 'sip'. I found him in a small tree along the ridge walk.

The song of the yellowhammer is the often quoted (but not so often heard) 'a little bit of bread and no cheese'. It is a series of high, metallic notes 'sip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip see-u seeeee' (the bread and cheese version is easier to remember). Here is a video of one singing at Croome - there are a few other birds singing in the background (including a noisy Whitethroat), but you can tell when the yellowhammer is singing - he opens his beak nice and wide!