The Reed Warbler is another of those birds you may hear but not often see, as they sing from the depths of reedbeds. The sound of the Reed Warbler is very distinctive, but difficult to describe - it's a long but varied series of scratchy noises. When you do spot them, they are quite a plain brown colour, with a pale front. They have a long sharp beak, as they catch insects.
Druridge has very good numbers of Sedge Warblers, which sound similar, but have many more chirps and whistles embellishing there reel. Sedge Warblers are generally very visible and easy to see, The reeds at Druridge tend to be tucked away out of site, so you are far less likely to see a Reed Warbler. I was lucky to see this one in a tree near the reeds, on the path to the two hides.