First seen on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at WallingtonRed Squirrels are our native species. They are smaller than their less welcome cousins the Grey Squirrels. The Grey Squirrels were introduced from America in Victorian times, and their introduction is the main reason from the decline of our Red Squirrels. Wallington actively manages the estate to encourage Red Squirrels rather than Grey, as they don't coexist well, and the Reds are usually the losers unfortunately.

The Red Squirrel is such an iconic animal to see, it's a joy to add it to my list of National trust wildlife. I had heard that Red Squirrels can be difficult to see, so on my first visit to Wallington I was surprised to see one on the feeder, as soon as I got to the hide. I guess I won't always be this lucky!

Well on my second visit, luck was still with me and I had good views of a much darker squirrel, the tail is especially dark. This one was busy burying nuts in the autumn, just in case Wallington staff stop feeding him!