The Wildlife of

A-Z Index

Moths of Cragside

Unlike butterflies, moths are not so easy to spot. Apart from a few types that fly in the daytime, most will be hidden on leaves or tree trunks, so a little more work will be needed to find them. The tiny grass moths are the easiest to find.

Bordered White Moth

Bright Bell Moth

Brown China-mark

Brown Plume

Chimney Sweeper Moth

Common Grass-veneer

Common Marble Moth

Dark strawberry Tortrix

Ear Moth

Garden Grass-veneer

Green Carpet Moth

Heather Sober Moth
Knapweed ConchLarge Yellow UnderwingMeadow Grey Moth
Oak Lantern MothPale Straw Pearl MothRufous Minor
Shaded Broad-bar MothSilver-ground carpet MothSilver-Y Moth
Straw-barred PearlStraw Grass-veneerYellow-barred Gold Moth
Yellow Shell Moth