The Wildlife of

A-Z Index

A-Z of Wildlife found at Cragside

    Alder Fly
    Azure Damselfly

    Bank Vole
    Blackclock Beetle
    Black Darter
    Black-headed Gull
    Blue Bottle
    Blue Shieldbug
    Blue-tailed Damselfly
    Blue Tit
    Bog Hoverfly
    Bordered White Moth
    Bright Bell Moth
    Broad-bodied Chaser
    Bronze Ground Beetle
    Brown China-mark
    Brown Plume
    Buff-tailed Bumblebee
    Bumblebee Hoverfly

    Caddis Fly
    Canada Goose
    Chimney Sweeper Moth
    Clarke’s Mining Bee
    Coal Tit
    Criorhina Berberina
    Common Backswimmer
    Common Blue Damselfly
    Common Carder Bumblebee
    Common Darter
    Common Green Grasshopper
    Common Grass-veneer
    Common Hawker
    Common Hoverfly
    Common Marble Moth
    Common Toad
    Common Wasp
    Crab Spider

    Dagger Fly
    Dark strawberry Tortrix
    Dark-winged Fungus Gnat
    Dung Fly

    Ear Moth
    Emerald Damselfly
    Eristalis Pertinax

    Field Cuckoo Bee
    Field Grasshopper
    Flesh Fly
    Four-banded Longhorn Beetle
    Four-spotted Chaser
    Fourteen-spot Ladybird

    Garden Bumblebee
    Garden Spider
    Golden-ringed Dragonfly
    Garden Grass-veneer
    Great Black Slug
    Great Pied Hoverfly
    Great Tit
    Green Bottle
    Green Carpet Moth
    Green Lacewing
    Green Leafhopper
    Green Shieldbug
    Green Tiger Beetle
    Green-veined White
    Grey-banded Mining Bee
    Grey Heron
    Grey-spotted Sedgesitter
    Grey Wagtail
    Greylag Goose

    Hairy Snail
    Hawthorn Fly
    Heather Sober Moth
    Helophilus Pendulus
    Honey Bee
    House Martin

    Ichneumon Wasp


    Kentish Snail
    Knapweed Conch

    Lace Hopper
    Large Red Damselfly
    Large Spearhorn Hoverfly
    Large White
    Large Yellow Underwing Moth Caterpillar
    Large Yellow Underwing
    Leaf Beetle
    Leaf-cutter Bee
    Leman's Ant
    Lemon-black Sawfly
    Lissonata Setosa
    Little Grebe

    Marmalade Hoverfly
    Marsh Harrier
    Meadow Brown
    Meadow Grasshopper
    Meadow Grey Moth
    Mistle Thrush
    Mute Swan


    Oak Lantern Moth
    Orange Tip

    Pale Straw Pearl Moth
    Palmate Newt
    Peregrine Falcon
    Pied Wagtail
    Pink-footed Goose
    Pirate Wolf Spider
    Pond Skater

    Red Admiral
    Red-legged Partridge
    Red Soldier Beetle
    Red-tailed Bumblebee
    Reed Beetle
    Roe Deer
    Rufous Minor

    Scorpion Fly
    Seven-spot Ladybird
    Shaded Broad-bar Moth
    Silver-ground carpet Moth
    Silver-Y Moth
    Sloe Shieldbug
    Small Copper
    Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
    Small Skipper
    Small Tortoiseshell
    Small White
    Smooth Newt
    Snipe Fly
    Song Thrush
    Southern Hawker
    Speckled Wood
    Spiked Shieldbug
    Straw-barred Pearl
    Straw Grass-veneer

    Tachina Fera
    Tiger Crane Fly
    Tufted Duck

    White-lipped Snail
    White-tailed Bumblebee
    White-striped Ichneumon Wasp
    White Wagtail
    Whooper Swan
    Willow Warbler
    Wolf Spider
    Wood Pigeon

    Xylota Segnis

    Golden-tailed Leafwalker

    Yellow-barred Gold Moth
    Yellow-legged Bee-grabber
    Yellow Shell Moth