The Wildlife of
The UK

A-Z Index

Butterflies of The UK

Most National Trust properties are rich in butterflies during the summer months. Unlike birds that have breeding plumage, there are no seasonal variations in the butterflies throughout the year, apart from some second broods looking a bit more vibrant. However, as the year progresses butterflies will start to fade and some can end up looking quite tired and tatty.

Adonis Blue


Brown Argus

Chalk Hill Blue


Common Blue

Dark Green Fritillary

Dingy Skipper

Duke of Burgundy

Essex Skipper


Green Hairstreak

Green-veined White

Holly Blue

Large Skipper

Large White

Marbled White

Meadow Brown
Orange TipPainted LadyPeacock
Purple HairstreakRed AdmiralRinglet
Silver-washed FritillarySmall BlueSmall Copper
Small HeathSmall Pearl-bordered FritillarySmall Skipper
Small TortoiseshellSmall WhiteSpeckled Wood
Wall BrownWhite AdmiralWhite-letter Hairstreak