The Wildlife of
the National Trust

A-Z Index

Flies in all National Trust Properties

Flies are not the most popular of insects, and generally not the most attractive either. Nevertheless there are plenty around, so they have their section here. I've included some 'odds and ends' here - other 'flying' insects such as the lacewings.

Alder Fly

Black and White Sawfly

Blue Bottle

Caddis Fly

Cleg Fly

Crane Fly

Dagger Fly

Dark-edged Bee Fly

Dark-winged Fungus Gnat

Deer Fly

Downland Bee Fly

Dune Robber Fly

Dung Fly

Ensign Fly

Flesh Fly

Green Bottle

Green Bottle

Green Bottle

Green Lacewing

Hawthorn Fly

Helina Reversio Fly
Horse FlyHouse FlyLemon-black Sawfly
Lime-green SawflyNon-biting MidgeNoon Fly
Orange and Black SawflyPhantom Crane FlyPied-winged Robber Fly
Scorpion FlySeaweed FlySemaphore Fly
Snipe FlySoldier FlySolomon's Seal Sawfly
Tachina FeraTachinid FlyTiger Crane Fly
Tipula LateralisTrembling-wing FlyYellow Dung Fly
Yellow-legged Bee-grabber